We're Open!!

Grand opening has finally arrived, and we're ready for you to see how great of a facility this has turned into. But this is just the beginning... there's always going to be something to improve and change about the gym that will evolve with time as we grow. We'll always be looking to you for feedback on equipment, likes and dislikes about the gym, and ideas for the future. Our doors are always open.

As things settle down and we get into our new routine, we'll be releasing more information about our coaching services both here on the website, and on our social media platforms. Building an awesome facility is just one part of our vision. Our other main priority is making sure that the people we work with are training effectively and that they always have the resources to improve, whether training inside or outside our walls. We offer several different levels of coaching, from programming templates, personal training packages, to full-on powerlifting coaching, and athletic strength & conditioning. As Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists and long-time coaches, we're prepared to handle coaching for any type of client, at any experience level. Stay tuned for more information about our coaching rates, and feel free to stop by anytime to check out Cincinnati's newest Strength & Conditioning facility!

Open 24/7 to members
Our Staffed Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9AM-8PM
Saturday: 9AM-5PM
Please make an appointment by texting/calling (513) 557-6433 to arrange a tour!

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